Your Estate and Minor Heirs
Life is unpredictable and while no one wants to be faced with the situation leaving behind minor children it is important to consider if there are any minor heirs involved when dealing with estate planning and considering your Will, this consideration may be for your own minor children or provision for future grandchildren, as the […]
Life Partnership and Inheritance
A summary of the legal position on permanent relationships and the rights of surviving partners following the landmark ‘Bwanya ruling’ – Andi Hoole The 2022 census revealed that there are around 4.7 million unmarried but cohabiting South Africans. A permanent life partnership, which is often referred to as a domestic partnership, is a relationship between […]
Why it’s essential you nominate an executor of your estate
When drafting your Last Will and Testament you will have to decide who to nominate as executor of your estate. Your executor’s responsibilities It is your executor’s responsibility to wind up your estate which includes reporting the estate to the Master of the High Court, obtaining letters of executorship, closing your bank accounts, paying creditors, […]